My Blog

The Question

It was early one Friday morning; the end of my work week when I heard such amazing life changing words. This after asking such bad questions! I sat that day along the back wall of a local coffee shop. As usual, it was early, about 7 am that morning. I was reading a...

A Hospital Visitation! Part – 2

That next day I laid in my hospital bed knowing I'd had a visitation from God! The words He spoke kept resonating in my mind. All who came to visit me that day heard about it. I remember Pastor Al saying, "Jack, you've had a visitation from God and you need to write...

A Hospital Visitation!

Arriving back from Hawaii, something was wrong. My insides were shaking and outside I had a crazy shivering going on. It went on for a few days but I was hoping it was just a climate change or perhaps something I picked up that would be gone in a day or two. I didn't...

God Showed up in Hawaii

We were told by my doctor, "Take some time off! Go do something fun! Get out of town!" My world had caved in around me and I was paddling a 'sinking boat' up stream. So we headed to Hawaii for a break. We walked together a lot and enjoyed the warm sun and nice food....

Don’t Tell Me the Score!

Have you ever pre-recorded an important sports team’s game to watch it later? The city is buzzing with game fever. It’s the final game but you have a meeting you can’t get out of, so you record it to watch it the next evening. Tomorrow comes and around the water...

Holy Shift

We got side swiped! We got T-boned! Call it what you may but something happened. I now know why financial advisers jump out of windows! We care so much for our clients. We never take it for granted that our clients' money is in our hands! It's a business of trust and...